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Top Reviewed Foodcourt


Jim Du
at 2023 Dec 13
Jim Du
at 2023 Dec 13
Lugar tranquilo con algunos almacenes para comprar ropa o comida. Cuenta con una pequeña plazoleta de comidas.
Para los mexicanos es una buena opción para ir a surtirse de fruta y verduras, recuerden llevar efectivo porque es el único lugar que no aceptan pago con tarjeta.
Una recomendación en no comprar huevo o cárnicos ahí pues el almacenamiento es como el mercado de la merced.
Si eres de los despistados que no cargo efectivo, no te preocupes ahí tienen cajeros automáticos en dónde puedes hacer disposición de efectivo.
주말 토요일 일요일 이틀동안 열리는 농산물 마켓 의 각종 과일 야채 등 과 골동품 마켓 생활 용품 마켓 등 저렴 한가격 의 상품과 시계 및 쥬얼리 마켓과 수리점 의류 수선점 가구 등 각종 마켓 이 혼재 되어있는 장소로 지하철 다운스뷰 파크 정류장과 인접해 있어 접근성도 좋은편 으로 주말에는 한번쯤 방문해 보는것도 좋을것같다~~특히 신선한 과일과야채 등 쇼핑에 좋을뜻It is a place where various markets such as various fruits and vegetables, antique market, household goods market, watch and jewelry market, repair shop, clothing repair shop, furniture, etc. are mixed in the agricultural market held for two days on weekends, Saturdays and Sundays. It is adjacent to, so accessibility is good, so it would be nice to visit it at least once on the weekend~~ Especially good for shopping such as fresh fruits and vegetables
James Lam
at 2023 Feb 11
James Lam
at 2023 Feb 11
One restaurant is good,it is the Shang Hai restaurant,haven't try other 3.The last one is not bad.
Liv Fang
at 2022 Nov 19
Liv Fang
at 2022 Nov 19
白玉兰什么破店,因为想买碗汤喝 所以问他菜单上的是什么汤,他竟然给我回了一句不理解那就不要买,真的就简单的两句对话.真的是有病吧.是个老的老伯.
Bob Wong
at 2020 Oct 10
Bob Wong
at 2020 Oct 10

In the food court in the metropolis, there are multiple choices, both North and South snacks and Korean stir-fries. This is the characteristic of the mall. There are several gourmet shops here, as far as I know, they are old ones. If their dining is not popular The price, popular taste, and unique operating methods will not be maintained to this day.
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